Earlier Projects
The book, Even the Women Must Fight: Memories of War from North Vietnam, by Karen Turner, with Phan Thanh Hao, was published by John Wiley in 1998, and translated into Vietnamese in 2004. See excerpts under Origins.
The documentary film, Hidden Warriors: Women in the Ho Chi Minh Trail, an indie production directed by Karen Turner, released in 2004, focuses on the strategic road that held the key to the war, and the male and female soldiers who defended it. Oral testimonies from male and female veterans of one company of volunteers, Hanoi Company 814, and filmmakers and militia women, bring new perspectives to issues about women in war, gendered post-war experiences, and the history of the Ho Chi Minh Trail from a northern Vietnamese vantage. The film represents one aspect of reconciliation, as Phan Thanh Hao brings together individuals who were once enemies. The film has been shown in international women’s film festivals, many educational institutions, and is housed in the Harvard University Film Archive.
Reunion, 2007
Turner and Tuyen, Thanh Hoa, 1996
Turner and Tuyen, Hanoi, 2007